Facing the Front Line:
msg advisors’ rapid planning approach
Companies fighting the spread of COVID-19 on the front line have to make fast and accurate decisions. This is not just true when trying, for example, to produce significantly higher quantities of medical devices within a very short period of time. Instead, it is also true when trying to transition production lines from non-medical clothing to protective masks “overnight”.
However, the combination of challenges faced during this crisis situation is unique: there are no empirical values or best practices. At the same time, extreme dynamics and complexity increase the pressure to act and increase the risk of making a wrong decision.
msg advisors’ rapid planning approach is designed to help overcome these challenges. It is based on integrated interaction between traditional planning approaches, agile methods, high-performance data analytics and regulatory guidelines and frameworks. Among these, there are three fields of action that are particularly relevant for decision makers:
Front-line support in the fight against COVID-19
Field of action #1: Legally-compliant production of protective equipment
In the current shut-down situation, the ability to quickly transition production to the production of protective equipment can help ensure the survival of companies not previously active in the strictly regulated health-care market. A high demand for masks in particular will need to be met in the next few months.
The first requirement for a successful entry into production is an exact knowledge of the differences between PPE masks (consumers) and medical-grade masks (used in a medical environment). The guideline put together by msg advisors summarizes the key recommendations and regulations issued by authorities on this specific topic. In addition, our infographic guides you through the differences between PPE and medical-grade products.
Guideline for the legally-compliant
production of protective equipment
Field of action #2: Transitioning production to surgical masks
To manage the current demand for protective equipment during the Corona pandemic, the European Commission is temporarily relaxing the strict rules that govern the domestic market. Consequently, companies will be allowed to produce non-sterile surgical respirators without the CE mark and give them to medical professionals.
What are the liability risks, disclosure obligations and guidelines that need to be considered when producing such masks or when converting production accordingly? What happens to the investment in the long term when the EU Commission puts the strict rules back into effect? Our guideline summarizes the key points.
Guideline for the production of non-sterile/sterile
surgical masks for medical professionals
Field of action #3: Ensuring MDR compliance
The deadline for implementing the European MDR (Medical Device Regulation) has been extended another year as a result of the Corona crisis. The considerable impact the regulation has on the proper functioning and deliverability of manufacturer, vendor and service provider delivery chains should never be underestimated. Thus, companies should take advantage of the extra time to make sure they also meet the requirements for vendor management by May 2021 as well.
What should a relevant set of MDR measures include? How can compliance, transformation and efficiency enhancement be optimally combined as part of the planning process? We address five particularly important focal points for ensuring a correct implementation of the MDR on the following website:
Using crisis mode to ensure MDR compliance
Field of action #4: Liquidity compass for steering revenue development
For the energy sector, losses in the industrial customer business are only one of several challenges posed by the dynamic and difficult to predict course of the corona crisis. With the liquidity compass of msg advisors, decision-makers identify the appropriate crisis prevention measures.
Managing revenue development in the energy industry
with the liquidity compass of msg advisors
Further information on msg advisors as a consulting partner for the healthcare industry can be found in our Life Science & Chemicals section as well as on the msg industry advisors website
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Thomas Praska
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Christoph Piller
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