Why msg advisors
Successful companies are taking off for the cloud. And yours?
The cloud technology enables companies across all industries to achieve greater scalability, flexibility and cost efficiency. It can also assist companies to adapt their offers to changing markets and tap into new ones Those who want to transform should keep an eye on the technical dimension, such as the architecture of the IT landscape, existing assets, security and compliance. But special attention should also be paid to the process organization, existing organizational structures and the people in the system. For many companies, a successful cloud transformation is therefore an extensive challenge.
msg advisors offer you industry expertise combined with technological know-how and long-term experience in organization development.
- Recognize the opportunities that cloud technologies present for your company.
- Understand your transformation needs arising from the use of cloud technology.
- Support you with your organizational, technological, process-related and business challenges in the context of cloud transformation.
Our offerings
Get to know our offer and start your cloud transformation
Our offering
Cloud transformations demand a lot from an organization. Knowing the maturity level of the organization, but also that of focus topics such as security and compliance, is therefore a prerequisite for a successful transformation.
Our offerings
New technologies encounter mature IT landscapes and existing applications. As part of the transformation, existing assets need to be assessed and a suitable migration path outlined based on the business requirements.
Our offerings
The cloud requires close collaboration between IT and business. As a result, IT processes are often no longer purely supportive, but increasingly interwoven with the value chain in your organization. Adjustments of organizational structures serve the purpose of supporting the new value added chain in the best possible way.
Our offerings
New collaboration models and changing standards in development, architecture and security and compliance lead to new demands. Part of the cloud transformation is therefore the analysis and determination of the maturity level with regard to skills in the organization as well as the enablement of managers and teams.
Our offerings
Change Management
The considerable disruptions at the personal, team and organizational level require holistic change management in the transformation implementation. On the one hand, this allows resistance to be identified and resolved at an early stage. You can also provide the right information at the right time – and in a way that is appropriate for the target group. This enables those affected by the changes to prepare for their news roles in new structures.
Our offering
Our approach to the cloud transformation process
Assess and Design
Execute and Govern
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Utilities & Telecom.
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