Many companies want to implement complex transformation projects using an agile approach and involving external service providers. Here, it is often critical for success that project partners have the same philosophy as regards agility. What is the “maturity level” of agility? How well do the conflicting working styles fit together? This is usually difficult to determine from standard presentations and common tender documents. However, an objective assessment of agile competencies can be crucial to the success of joint transformation projects. This applies, for example, to aspects such as company culture, pricing, structure or method competence.
The Solution: Agility Check in Four Dimensions
This is precisely where msg advisors’ “Vendor Agility Check” comes into play. It enables a concrete and sustainable assessment of agile competencies, skills and experience of service providers. The model determines their agility maturity levels in four dimensions:
When it comes to agility, a common philosophy can be crucial for success.
Vendor Agility Check: Focus On Agility Competence
Demand-Based Design
Depending on the focus and objectives of the tendered project, the agility check can be individually weighted or adapted. Each of the four dimensions can be prioritized and further developed to meet the customer’s requirements as precisely as possible: For example, if the service provider already has experience with certain agile methods such as Design Thinking, Scrum or Lean Start-Up. Or if the focus should be on agile pricing that fits the planned methodology of the project (e.g., iterative and incremental). The approach supports the objectives that are often particularly important in the context of transformation projects. For example, if business agility, continuity and effectiveness are to be increased or service management competencies are to be further developed.
Each of the four dimensions is customizable.
How Agile Are Your Partners?
You live agility in your daily work and expect the same from your service providers? Let us help you determine the agile competencies, skills and experience of current or potential partners. We show you the decisive criteria for informative results.
Assessment Approach and Methodology: How msg advisors Determines Agility Competence
msg advisors’ Vendor Agility Check supports companies in the selection and assessment of service providers in tender processes. Together, we assess the agility of service providers or help you assess agility. For this purpose, we create an informative analysis based on the four agility dimensions developed by us, take into account documentation and compare all bidders on the basis of an overall score per dimension.
Eight Practical Tips for a Successful Agility Assessment Approach
- Is the agile approach proposed by the service provider sustainable and reliable? Find out whether roles, tools and project organization actually support agile working.
- Critically check the vendor’s proposed approaches and don’t be taken in by empty buzzwords.
- Make sure the references fit the scope of your planned project: Is a comparable number of employees involved? How were the results documented?
- Are the references up-to-date? Is there a possibility to contact the reference providers?
Experience and Knowledge
- Determine which competencies in the service provider’s team ideally complement the skills of your team in the project. Also consider which of these could be valuable in a longer-term collaboration.
- Do all of the vendor’s proposed team members have agile competencies, certificates or agile credentials?
Contract & Pricing
- Does the service provider already have experience with alternative pricing, such as agile fixed price?
- Check whether the potential partner develops pricing model proposals adapted to the project you are putting out to tender or whether the partner simply provides off-the-shelf approaches. The solution lies in the individual consideration of the project's aspects.
Competences and Methodologies Should Be Complementary.
Learn more.
Michael Dusch
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Michael Kandel
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Further topics
Agile Change Implementation
Stay agile and productive under extreme conditions.
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Agility for remote success
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Hybrid Organization
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