msg advisors´ latest topics
Effectively addressing customer needs through value-added services
Enhancing your core products with additional services can help you reach new customer groups and maintain strong customer relationships. The objective should always be to use the services to enhance the attractiveness of a product and optimise costs. This will ensure long-term relevance and growth.
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Implement Business-Ecosystems fast
Business ecosystems present organizations with a distinctive opportunity to enhance their business models significantly and maintain competitiveness in the contemporary marketplace. Firms that provide genuine added value to their customers increase their relevance and overall worth.
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Business ecosystems: What really works?
The initial enthusiasm surrounding business ecosystems has subsided, but the potential of cross-industry value-added offerings remains high. Find out here why it is often not a good idea to copy big tech role models and under what conditions business ecosystems can actually create added value.
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Digital sovereignty
Digital sovereignty entails achieving an optimal balance between independence, efficiency, and performance in a self-directed manner. msg advisors assists you in comprehending the significance of digital sovereignty for your organization and in formulating a strategy for its execution.
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Business Ecosystems – Connecting Businesses
Business ecosystems can help your company achieve more growth, innovation and competitiveness. Find out how this works in reality and how ecosystems can be set up flexibly and efficiently. msg advisors will support you in developing and implementing a successful business ecosystem strategy.
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What we stand for
Functional expertise
Data and technology
Ecosystems of the future
Thought leadership
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msg advisors´ latest topics and news